Not sure what career best matches you? Or maybe your child is struggling to decide what direction to go in after high school? Or perhaps you do not enjoy your job and are wondering perhaps you choose the wrong career path, and you are wondering what would be better for you?

If you have found yourself at a crossroads with your career options, career path assessments may be a good option. Our careers make up most of your lives, and it is crucial to choose one that you genuinely enjoy, linked to your unique characteristics. Career assessments can help you match your individual profile to careers that will best suit you and therefore support your health and well-being.

Career assessments are great for adolescents who are nearing the end of their high school career and are not sure what the best next step would be. University students may find them useful if they are considering changing directions. Career assessments give an inside look at one’s unique personal and cognitive qualities and how these qualities map onto the spectrum of real-life professions and jobs. These assessments measure the student’s interests, aptitudes, and personality traits. The final product of the evaluation assists the student in being conscious of their abilities. It can assist them in setting career goals that match their intrinsic interests and skills.

Career assessments are different than career counseling services offered through a school or employment agency that typically only administer one standard test. Career testing uses a combination of specialized psychological assessments looking at several variables that will guide the individual to the most optimal career options. The career assessment will explore the student’s strengths in aptitude testing that assesses a broad spectrum of abilities (e.g., motor, verbal comprehension, general reasoning, perceptual speed, mechanical knowledge) that help evaluate for professional potential and special skills. They will also explore the individual’s interests and preferences using different assessments and interviews. Additionally, personality traits will be examined to help determine satisfaction in various work environments.

Career assessments cannot provide you with the perfect career without understanding yourself. The process requires personal mindfulness. Career development takes time and can be a complicated and challenging process, especially for adolescents who have a limited self-understanding, knowledge of the work world, and work experience. Career assessment is a great place for individuals to start to explore the different options available to them and allow them to gain greater self-understanding and awareness. These types of assessments are a starting point in the career search, helping them to narrow down their search and give them different occupations to explore, looking at projected job growth, requirements, and training programs.

There are many career assessments you can access online, and they may be a good starting place to show you some different options. You must be careful when using online career assessments as they may not be valid or reliable as they may not be regulated or interpreted by a professional. Also, professional career assessments allow for a broader view of an individual, including their interests, capabilities, and background information that is gathered through discussions and interviews. The interviews involved in career assessment provide unique information that is not captured in a purely online career assessment, which could impact the reliability of the suggested careers.

Career assessment and counseling is a great place to start exploring the best career options for an individual. There is an overwhelming amount of career options that one could pursue. It’s important to give yourself or your child the best chance at success and happiness in their career. Many individuals express they are not happy in their jobs. Do not let this be you or your child. Get empowered in your career search and develop more self-understanding, direction, and clarity.